女性同士で、押し花ワークショップをしながらガールズタイムを楽しんだり、恋人同士でワークショップに参加する、また自分一人の楽しみの特別な時間として、ワークショップをされるのも宜しいかと思います! 海外では、男性から女性に、お花とチョコレートをあげるバレンタイン、押し花アートワークショップとチョコレート、どなたでも楽しめると思います。
Valentine day is coming! We exchange chocolate, but women also buy chocolate for themselves in Japan. Especially Japanese women tend to buy expensive chocolate for ourselves this season because we can find a variety of delicious chocolates in many shops.
Why don’t you join a workshop, either as a girl’s alone time, or as a fun date? It might be a fun experience for you to enjoy yourself and try new things !
Regardless if you are a couple or single, it is good to enjoy ourselves in a relaxed atmosphere on valentine season. If you would like to try something creative, try pressed flower workshops! The workshops are private lessons, so you can enjoy them at your own leisure.
Flowers and chocolate doesn’t last long, so how about making pressed flowers, which will preserve the beauty of the flowers for many years to come? It could be a special experience!
#バレンタイン #花 #tokyo #flower # Valentine #pressedflower