素敵なご夫婦が、押し花アートのレッスンで作品を作りました。英語でお話ししながら、レッスンを受けられ、楽しい時間を過ごすことができました。今回は、1回のレッスン(90分から2時間程度)で押し花アートを完成させるクラス(➀のBasic pressed flower course) を受講いただきました。コースの詳細は、こちらから。
Lovely couple created pressed flower art.
It was nice to teach and communicate in English! They had a basic pressed flower course ( about 2 hours) They requested favorite color such as cream color, red, green and pale pink so I selected this kind of pressed flowers. (Selections differ from seasons and stocks.)
They learned how to create the shape of roses by rose petals and designing.
Also they sealed by a specific machine so the color of pressed flowers will not change for a long time. It should be a good memory of their anniversary and Japan!